Toney The Barber presents

Fortune Fades

East Side Blends, 10984 E 23rd St, Tulsa, OK 74129

A Multi-Cultural Barber

An educated barber who understands your needs for an enjoyable haircut experience.

Have you ever woken up on a bright Saturday morning dreading going to a barber shop? Have you ever shown a picture to a barber and he ends up giving you a mid fade anyway?

Is your hair too "complicated" or referred to as "mixed" hair so the barber just shaves it off entirely down to a buzzcut?
If you said yes to any of these, then boy you are not alone!

Growing up, I have been a victim of countless horrible haircuts. (Refer to the above photo with the watermelon haha). I am here to help put an end to haircut anxiety.

The Magic of a Knowledgable Barber.

Professional Barbering is my life, I live for excellent haircuts and strive to give you the best haircut ever. Below you will see what I offer to the table and why you need me in your corner as your barber.

Straight Hair // Asian Hair

Tired of having your hair sticking out from the side of your head because your barber went up too high? Not to worry for I am here to fix that!

Afro // Curly Hair

Not enough barbers are getting their hands involved with all textures of hairs nowadays. Fortunately for you, I am your guy for the job. Don't believe me? Ask my happy clients how they are feeling after my haircuts.

"Mixed hair" // Curly Hair

Do you have a nephew or son with "too complicated" hair which barbers just shave off? Not me, I frequently change the lives of my beautiful haired clients and even teach how to style it!

Color on Short Hair

For all your basic fundamental hair color needs on short hair ( less than 5 inches). I love to add color on the hair and show you how vibrancy brings joy to life.

Any questions, comments, or concerns?

I tend to reply within a couple hours but as I expand into my career it may take up to 1 to 3 business days for a response. Never feel afraid to express a concern before writing a negative comment online, I am always glad to fix any errors on my end!

Haircuts done by yours truly

© The Mf Crew. All rights reserved.

Thank you!

Thank you for being apart of this journey! - The Mf Crew.